Three of Wands

The Three of Wands card represents progress, expansion, and looking forward. The suit of Wands is associated with passion, creativity, and ambition, making the Three of Wands a card of growth and opportunity.

Featured deck: Cosmica Somnis Tarot

As you set sail towards new horizons, trust that the winds of change will carry you forward.


In the upright position, the Three of Wands represents progress, expansion, and the realization of your goals. This card indicates that your hard work is paying off, and that you are on the path to success. It encourages you to keep moving forward and to embrace new opportunities that are coming your way. The Three of Wands reminds you that you are capable of achieving great things, and that with determination and perseverance, you can create the future that you desire.

The Three of Wands can also represent collaboration and partnerships. This card may indicate that you are working with others towards a common goal, and that together you can achieve great things. It encourages you to trust in your team, and to recognize the strengths and contributions of each person involved.

Possible examples of an upright Three of Wands: Expanding your business or creative projects, realizing your long-term goals, receiving new opportunities for growth and success.


In the reversed position, the Three of Wands can indicate setbacks, delays, or a lack of progress. This card suggests that your plans may not be working out as you had hoped, and that you may need to reevaluate your goals and strategies. It encourages you to remain patient and resilient in the face of obstacles, and to seek support and guidance from others. The Three of Wands reminds you that setbacks are a natural part of the journey, and that with perseverance and adaptability, you can overcome them.

The reversed Three of Wands can also represent overconfidence and arrogance. This card may indicate that you are overestimating your abilities or underestimating the challenges ahead. It encourages you to stay humble and grounded, and to recognize that success requires hard work and dedication.

Possible examples of a reversed Three of Wands: Experiencing setbacks or delays in your plans, needing to reevaluate your goals and strategies, feeling overconfident or arrogant in your abilities.

Illustration and Text Copyright © Shores Of Moon

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    Also called: batons, staves, clubs, or rods

    Element: Fire

    Astrological signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

    They symbolize: will, action, desire, ambition, masculine energy


    Also called: chalices, goblets, or vessels

    Element: Water

    Astrological signs:Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio

    They symbolize: emotions, feelings, the subconscious, intuition


    Also called: blades, daggers, or spades

    Element: Air

    Astrological signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

    They symbolize: thoughts, intellect, communication, mental processes


    Also called: coins, disks, or rings

    Element: Earth

    Astrological signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

    They symbolize: foundations, the material and physical realm.

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